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Havaried Vessel Fremantle Highway Docked In Eemshaven

Fire-Damaged Car Carrier Arrives in Netherlands

Havaried Vessel Fremantle Highway Docked in Eemshaven

The Fremantle Highway, a car carrier that caught fire and was adrift for over a week off the Dutch island of Ameland, has finally reached its destination in Eemshaven, the Netherlands. The vessel, which was extinguished and towed into port, has now been moored at the Eemshaven terminal.

Transport Delays

The transport of the damaged Fremantle Highway to Eemshaven faced several delays, including weather conditions and the need for additional safety measures. The vessel's arrival in Eemshaven marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to secure the vessel and assess the damage.

Investigation and Recovery

Authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the cause of the fire and will determine the extent of the damage sustained by the Fremantle Highway. The vessel will undergo repairs and inspections to determine its seaworthiness and establish a plan for its eventual return to service.
